It began in a friend’s garage.
Matt Pierrot had always loved shirts! When he was young he loved wearing them, when he was older and playing in a band, he loved designing them, when the band was over, he decided to start making them. That was the day GetBold was born. Matt bought a small manual press, borrowed some space in a friend’s garage, and ran an ad in the yellow pages at the same time.
That first year was a crazy learning curve. That year was 1999.
The First Automatic.
It got busy quickly! There is only so much production one can run in a friend’s garage and keep the friend. So, Matt began building his own 700 square foot garage/workshop behind his own house. It seemed plenty big on move-in day, with a loft office and 500 feet of production space. He added an automatic press and hired his first staff member when he moved in. Soon the garage was hopping twelve hours a day and it was time to rent a warehouse.
More Presses, More Space
We filled that warehouse fast! That was the year we added two new presses and five new staff. That was also the year that the North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce nominated us for the best business. They nominated us seven years in a row after that. We also launched a new website with instant quotes on every page. No one else was doing this and It seemed risky, but we believed in transparency and honesty and it seemed to fit with our company values. It was an instant success. Soon orders began coming in faster than ever and we quickly added more people and more presses.

The warehouse with two presses in 2008. It felt huge at the time.
Embroidery and the Move to Dollarton
In late 2014, due to customer’s demands for a one-stop-shop, we decided to add an embroidery department. There was, however, no room at all in our current location to add an embroidery machine, We were so crammed in there we barely had room for our staff! We knew we needed to move. We found a fantastic new location in the Dollarton Business Park that offered us twice as much space and (hooray!) lots of parking! It came with bike lockers and showers and was thoroughly modern. We loved it from the first sight. We quickly filled our new space with new equipment. We replaced one of our older presses with a brand new, high-speed model and added 19 heads of embroidery. We opened for business at the new location on March 25 2015.
See photos of the move.
Watch the 3-minute time-lapse video of the five days set up of our new production room.
Meeting Your Needs
Our customers have always inspired us.
We have always been focused on quality and customer service – these are our core values and they will not change. We love decorating garments and we love our customers. It gives us great satisfaction to know we have made something excellent – something that you will love to wear.
We will continue to grow based on our customer’s needs, and continue to be challenged to achieve new and exciting results on clothing. We love our jobs, our team, and making our customers happy.